Monday, June 22, 2009

What Do Bar Codes Mean?

Question of the day can the first 3 digits a barcode indicate the country of origin? For example 471 is Made in Taiwan.
690-692 then it is MADE IN CHINA .
00 - 09 USA & CANADA
30 - 37 FRANCE
40 - 44 GERMANY
47 ... Taiwan
50 UK

Drum role please.........the answer is no, not always. If a company has it's packaging headquarters in Mexico but all their products are shipped in from Africa, then the bar code will state that the product is from Mexico.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Yummy Bags July1

OH What a treat what we plan to have in our shares for this go round.

Regular Share
Red Leaf Lettuces
Red Grapes


Fruit Shares

We have a couple changes. We will be selling local heirloom tomatoes, eggs, honey & honeydew melon.

Something Yummy & Unique

Super Quick Recipe

Mint & Vanilla flavored sugar taste delicious in tea, coffee and many recipes.
This is how to create the mint flavored sugar.
First layer the fresh and dry leaves on a layer of granulated sugar. Cover with another layer of sugar. Continue layering until the container is full. Cover tightly and store for about one month.
For vanilla take take two fresh vanilla beans and place in a jar of sugar. For the first few days continue to stir the mixture. Seal for about a month.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Local, Local, Local!!!

Great New!!
I just recently heard from what will hopefully be our local farmer and he stated that he is expecting "tomatoes, cucumbers, green beans, banana peppers, and maybe some squash" to be ready during the next time we order. So maybe just maybe we will be able to add a few local veggies to our next shares.
Keep Your Fingers Crossed!